Geli Raubal. Hitler was deeply attached to his half-niece Geli Raubal, 19 years his junior. She began living at his residence after her mother became Hitler's housekeeper in 1925. Although the exact nature and extent of their relationship is unknown, Kershaw describes it as a latent "sexual dependence".


Angela ‘Geli’ Raubal, the pretty half-niece of Adolf Hitler, was discovered by servants at the Nazi leader’s Munich apartment on September 18, 1931. She was just 23. 4.

He kept her a virtual prisoner and after an argument on 18 September 1931 she killed herself. Graves family mss, some of them relating to Richard Hughes. However, he Christmas, and about Geli Raubal, and finally into the reconstruction of the Purge. Hitler's 20-year-old niece and love interest, Geli Raubal.

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From there, he would go from Chancellor of Germany to the inhumane monster, the Fuhrer. According to Hitler’s photographer, had Geli not died, things could have been different. 17/03/20 story of Geli raubal: the mystery of the death of her beloved niece of Hitler . Angelika (Geli) Raubal Maria was born 4 June 1908 in the Austrian city of Linz in the family of Angela Raubal (nee Hitler, the daughter of the father of Adolf Hitler Alois Hitler) and Leo Raubal. Geli’s death had an adverse effect on Hitler who was reported to be under depression.

3 Mar 2014 Rise of the Nazi Party 1 2 - Hitler's relationship with Geli Raubal Hitler's childhood house and church with parents' grave, Leonding, Austria.

Take the first straight pathway that leads to the left. Follow it to Gruppe 23E – Park der Ruhe und Kraft (Park of Peace and Strength). Death and burial ground of Raubal, Angela Maria ” Geli”. On the morning of 19-09-1931, members of Hitler’s staff found Geli Raubal dead from a gunshot wound to the lung in her room in Hitler’s Munich apartment, Prinzregentenplatz 16 second floor.

Geli raubal grave

Angela Maria "Geli" Raubal ([ˈɡeːliː ˈʀaʊ̯bal]; 4 June 1908 – 18 September 1931) was an Austrian woman who was the half-niece of Adolf Hitler.Born in Linz, Austria-Hungary, she was the second child and eldest daughter of Leo Raubal Sr. and Hitler's half-sister, Angela Raubal.

Geli raubal grave

added by cherl12345. Luther Vandross' Funeral Back In 2005. added by cherl12345. Jonathan  The trial of Ludendorff, Hitler and the other defendants began on the morning of February 26, 1924, in the Munich Central Infantry School at Blutenburgstraße. 368  Angelika «Geli» Maria Raubal (født 4. juni 1908 i Linz i Østerrike, død 18.

Geli raubal grave

ENZO CONDELLO Himmler: Most are content once lying in their graves. Goebbels: I too am (Enter Geli Raubal, with flowers. A photo album of Adolf Hitler's niece Angela "Geli" Raubal, with whom he had a sexual relationship, Contrary to the norm, she was given a Catholic burial. 10 Jul 2019 adolf hitler dengan geli raubal.
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Geli raubal grave

Barnen med Leo var: Leo Rudolf Raubal Jr 1906–1977, Angela Maria ”Geli” Raubal, 1908–1931 och Elfriede Maria Som ung gifte hon sig med tjänstemannen Leo Raubal, men blev änka redan 1910. Barnen med Leo var: Leo Rudolf Raubal Jr 1906–1977, Angela Maria ”Geli” Raubal, 1908–1931 och Elfriede Maria whom he marries, but he is infatuated with Hitler's young niece, Geli Raubal, He follows him to Geli's grave in Vienna where their final confrontation takes  biografier över Eva Braun, Magda Goebbels, Carin Göring, Emmy Göring, Geli Raubal, Leni Riefenstahl, Gertrud Scholtz-Klink, Henriette von Schirach. Bild 1: Geli Raubal Bild 2: Franziska In the 1600 s, there were grave piles on each side of the stone but they are long gone, for the benefit of cultivation land. Her body was found 13 days later, buried in a shallow grave just blocks from her home.

„Geli” és Adolf Hitler egykori közös otthona a müncheni Prinzregentenplatz 16-ban Hitler Angelika Raubal 1910-ben megözvegyült anyját házvezetőnőként alkalmazta. „Geli” a gimnáziumban rossz tanuló volt, inkább az éneklés és a tenisz vonzotta. Angela ‘Geli’ Raubal, the pretty half-niece of Adolf Hitler, was discovered by servants at the Nazi leader’s Munich apartment on September 18, 1931. She was just 23.
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Bild 1: Geli Raubal Bild 2: Franziska In the 1600 s, there were grave piles on each side of the stone but they are long gone, for the benefit of cultivation land.

added by cherl12345. Jonathan  The trial of Ludendorff, Hitler and the other defendants began on the morning of February 26, 1924, in the Munich Central Infantry School at Blutenburgstraße. 368  Angelika «Geli» Maria Raubal (født 4. juni 1908 i Linz i Østerrike, død 18. 1931 i München i Tyskland) var datter av Adolf Hitlers halvsøster Angela Raubal. Find a Grave, oppført som Angela Maria Raubal, Find a Grave 22116 , besøk 17 Mar 2020 Angelika (Geli) Raubal Maria was born 4 June 1908 in the Austrian city of the Mystery of sexual orientation Adolf took with him to the grave. 2 Jul 2017 The unsigned painting, which is oil on canvas, shows the grave of Hilter's half- niece, Geli Raubal.